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Mind Map Simple

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Barbecue Mind Map Through this clear and simple mind map, we know that this barbecue aimed at making friends and enjoying life, held on May 15th, 2014 at Songla Beach and also some other obvious information. Better Sleep Mind Map Not only for students, but also for adults, good sleep is the premise of an energetic day. Create and share amazing mind maps. Capture ideas at the speed of thought – using a mind map maker designed to help you focus on your ideas and remove all the distractions while mindmapping. Create unlimited mind maps for free, and store them in the cloud. Your mind maps are available everywhere, instantly, from any device.

  1. Mind Map Samples
  2. Mind Map Simple Present
  3. Mind Map Simple Examples
  4. Mind Map Simple Machines
  5. Mind Map Samples And 7th Grade

In busy times it helps to write down all the things, ideas and tasks that fill your head. A brain wants to be cleared, because you can only focus effectively on just one thing.
A mind map of your to do's will bring you clarity and a good overview over all the things to do. All the different tasks are organized and ready to be checked off.

How to start?

There are many ways to make a mind map for a to do list. A way to make a mind map for all your to do's is explained in the next following 7 steps.

Step 1. Write a to do list

First step is to write a 'to do' list. Write down in keywords or short sentences everything that comes up in your head. Keep writing till nothing pops up any more…

Things to do

Mind map samples in word format

email planning 2017 for work
repair front door
buy jacket for winter
new football shoes
go to post office for box
plan dinner football friends
dog food
bring books to library
pay tax bill 2017
plan holiday 2017
call Daisy
email work results project X
shop for baby toy
buy perfume for mum
call parents for dinner
plan dinner with family
pay health insurance
& house insurance
bring cheque to post office
buy birthday cards

Fig.1 Example list of 'things to do'

Step 2. Central theme

The second step is writing the central theme in the centre of a blank page.

Step 3. General associations

Next step is to take a look at the list 'Things to do'. Some associations are very specific, like 'wine' or 'box'. They belong to the outside circle of the mind map. For the circle around the central theme general associations have to be found.
A way to find these associations is to look at the list. General associations can be found when we look for 'actions'. What are the most general things that need to be done?

Things to do

email planning 2017 for work
repair front door
buy jacket for winter
new football shoes
go to post office for box
plan dinner football friends
dog food
bring books to library
pay tax bill 2017
plan holiday 2017
call Daisy
email work results project X
shop for baby toy
buy perfume for mum
call parents for dinner
plan dinner with family
pay health insurance
& house insurance
bring cheque to post office
buy birthday card

Fig.3 General associations are highlighted

Step 4. W-questions

The general associations can be used to make a connection with the central theme. Answering w-questions with general associations helps to form groups of associations.


What to buy? birthday cards, perfume for mum, toy for baby, dog food, wine, jacket for winter and new football shoes

Who to call? parents about dinner & Daisy
What to do for work? email results project x & planning 2017
Which events to plan? holiday 2017, dinner with friends & family
Where to go to? library for books, post office for box & cheque
What to pay? tax 2016, health insurance &house insurance
Which other things? repair front door

These general associations can now be used to make a connection with the central theme.

Fig.4 The central theme is connected with general associations

Some of the general associations still contain a large group of associations. The group of 'buy' has 7 items. The association 'buy' can be made more specific with the help of w-questions: What do we buy? Which things do we buy?

These questions help to form smaller groups of associations that have something in common.

Fig.5 General association 'buy' is made more specific into: presents, food and clothes

More specific associations from the to do list can be added now.

These associations can still be made more specific.

Fig.7 Specific associations are made very specific

The other general associations for the mind map can be made specific the same way. We can connect associations with the help of w-questions:
Who to call? What to do for work? Where to go to?Which events to plan? What to pay? Which other things to do?

Fig.8 Other general associations are made more specific

Mind Map Samples

Still more associations can be added.

Fig.9 All the associations are connected to the theme

Step 5. A central image

All the things on the to do list are in the mind map now. A central image can be added to make the mind map more complete, because it helps to guide the attention. It also makes the mind map more interesting and easier to remember, as well as providing a starting point for exploring the mind map further.

Step 6. Color & style

Color and style give the mind map strength and a certain mood. The blue colour with its different shades mimics the level of specificness.

Fig.11 The colour blue brings a feeling of calmness and the different colour shades create a clear overview.

Step 7. Icons and images

Smaller icons or images can be added to make the mind map more interesting. Icons can also help to organise and plan the tasks in the mind map. In this case check boxes are used to help us show whether a task has been done.

Topaz denoise ai 1 2 0 9. Fig.12 Check boxes are helpful for organising and planning.

10+ Creative Mind Mapping Examples for Students

Episodes of notetaking, planning, and programming being one too many for students, Mind Mapping is a standardized method to help them come to terms with many issues, topics, and goals one at a time.

Though paper drafts are the simplest thing to use, the leaves of highly valued notebooks often look like a warzone with a perfect chance of the user forgetting to utilize all the data. What a waste of resources!


email planning 2017 for work
repair front door
buy jacket for winter
new football shoes
go to post office for box
plan dinner football friends
dog food
bring books to library
pay tax bill 2017
plan holiday 2017
call Daisy
email work results project X
shop for baby toy
buy perfume for mum
call parents for dinner
plan dinner with family
pay health insurance
& house insurance
bring cheque to post office
buy birthday cards

Fig.1 Example list of 'things to do'

Step 2. Central theme

The second step is writing the central theme in the centre of a blank page.

Step 3. General associations

Next step is to take a look at the list 'Things to do'. Some associations are very specific, like 'wine' or 'box'. They belong to the outside circle of the mind map. For the circle around the central theme general associations have to be found.
A way to find these associations is to look at the list. General associations can be found when we look for 'actions'. What are the most general things that need to be done?

Things to do

email planning 2017 for work
repair front door
buy jacket for winter
new football shoes
go to post office for box
plan dinner football friends
dog food
bring books to library
pay tax bill 2017
plan holiday 2017
call Daisy
email work results project X
shop for baby toy
buy perfume for mum
call parents for dinner
plan dinner with family
pay health insurance
& house insurance
bring cheque to post office
buy birthday card

Fig.3 General associations are highlighted

Step 4. W-questions

The general associations can be used to make a connection with the central theme. Answering w-questions with general associations helps to form groups of associations.


What to buy? birthday cards, perfume for mum, toy for baby, dog food, wine, jacket for winter and new football shoes

Who to call? parents about dinner & Daisy
What to do for work? email results project x & planning 2017
Which events to plan? holiday 2017, dinner with friends & family
Where to go to? library for books, post office for box & cheque
What to pay? tax 2016, health insurance &house insurance
Which other things? repair front door

These general associations can now be used to make a connection with the central theme.

Fig.4 The central theme is connected with general associations

Some of the general associations still contain a large group of associations. The group of 'buy' has 7 items. The association 'buy' can be made more specific with the help of w-questions: What do we buy? Which things do we buy?

These questions help to form smaller groups of associations that have something in common.

Fig.5 General association 'buy' is made more specific into: presents, food and clothes

More specific associations from the to do list can be added now.

These associations can still be made more specific.

Fig.7 Specific associations are made very specific

The other general associations for the mind map can be made specific the same way. We can connect associations with the help of w-questions:
Who to call? What to do for work? Where to go to?Which events to plan? What to pay? Which other things to do?

Fig.8 Other general associations are made more specific

Mind Map Samples

Still more associations can be added.

Fig.9 All the associations are connected to the theme

Step 5. A central image

All the things on the to do list are in the mind map now. A central image can be added to make the mind map more complete, because it helps to guide the attention. It also makes the mind map more interesting and easier to remember, as well as providing a starting point for exploring the mind map further.

Step 6. Color & style

Color and style give the mind map strength and a certain mood. The blue colour with its different shades mimics the level of specificness.

Fig.11 The colour blue brings a feeling of calmness and the different colour shades create a clear overview.

Step 7. Icons and images

Smaller icons or images can be added to make the mind map more interesting. Icons can also help to organise and plan the tasks in the mind map. In this case check boxes are used to help us show whether a task has been done.

Topaz denoise ai 1 2 0 9. Fig.12 Check boxes are helpful for organising and planning.

10+ Creative Mind Mapping Examples for Students

Episodes of notetaking, planning, and programming being one too many for students, Mind Mapping is a standardized method to help them come to terms with many issues, topics, and goals one at a time.

Though paper drafts are the simplest thing to use, the leaves of highly valued notebooks often look like a warzone with a perfect chance of the user forgetting to utilize all the data. What a waste of resources!

This problem can be effectually solved by Mind Mapping tools, which can save your time and resources both. Want to know how to do it? Here is a detailed guideline of Mind Mapping techniques along with some avidly relevant mind mapping examples for students.

How Can Mind Maps Help Students?

Creating need-based mind maps can have several advantages for students, primarily being an essential tool that helps in brainstorming and comprehension of complex lessons, for being able to break it down into segregated topics.

Student life compels us to persuasive learning, deemed perhaps the most dynamic growth phase in our lives. This phase would have many things going on all at the same time, on the same day, which might make work-life presumably simple and stereotype. Mind mapping can help students in various situations, such as:

  • Building chapter outlines
  • Identify and analyze primary issues in group work
  • Prepare a chart for the Dream Job
  • Make plans with different job interviews
  • Planning vacations
  • Organizing events

Mind mapping is also a valuable skill that can even add as Additional Qualification in resumes since it is widely used by businesses in more or less all industry verticals.

11 Creative Mind Mapping Examples for Students

If you need some inspiration for your project, here are some creative and simple mind map examples for students to help you get started.

Since notes are meant to channel the progression of a research or project at crucial areas, they must be close at hand and simple to decode when shared with a peer. Organizing handwritten drafts into neat mind map templates like this one above can serve the purpose well and good. Always keep a focal element when creating this sort of mind map that can anchor the jargon of data cohesively.

Learning a language goes through various aspects and layers of applications. Still, this program has the benefit of a generic framework with the lessons often revolving around things we already know. Therefore, learners might already have theoretical knowledge, at least a basic concept of it, and are ready for practical approaches. In this mind map template about learning English verb combinations, the keypoints are verbs as well, denoted by specific courses of action. So it covers both objectives of theory and practical.

Group work is a broader spectrum than group studying. It radically involves a focal matter pursued by a group but leverages individual inputs systematically. This sort of project needs a fail-proof process that makes sure that everyone's on board; everything is on board. This crafty template about Social Media Usage can be a shining example of how it works.

Students heavily utilize mind mapping for Research and Development to create a visual semblance of specific perceptions. It is somewhat like this template above. A simple mind map example for students of Biology, you can see that the main topic sits in the center with concise definitions of its variables laid out in a radial map. Such depictions make complex lessons memorable and impart cognitive learning.

Mind Map Simple Present

A course plan that is drawn out by a School or a Teacher and how individual students practically experience it are by nature unidentical twins. Course plans that flatly address syllabuses don't complete the picture; it needs to discuss terms and categories that will influence critical projects and gradual progression. Take this Modern Art course plan template. For example, it doesn't just list out elementary subjects covered within the course but also draws artist names and sub-genres that make up the entire bubble. The more you know beforehand, the more mentally prepared you are to get along with it.

By taking out perceived notions from the mind and mirroring it in a visual illustration, students can radically improve their sense of urgency and avoid procrastination when preparing for an exam. The multivariate essentials like key lectures, notes, timeframes, criteria, available resources, or lacking areas can be brainstormed in this graphic layout so that problems are easier to address and strengths can effectually motivate. This SWOT analysis map makes up a valuable resource for the matter, streamlining different conditions and situations into Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunity, and Threat (SWOT). It inspires students to maintain a target based regime of studies and related activity for exam preparation, scale progress, rinse, and repeat. The conceptual use of color, structure, and a minimalist layout can simplify complex variables of prerequisites faced by students during the exam preparation phase.

Mind Mapping is a good habit overall, which can be used, not only to organize study programs but also to build an energy-efficient life around studentship. This template is one of the simplest mind map examples for students that can do the trick just right. Due to a graphic illustration of events, situations, goals, strengths, and weaknesses, it is easier to develop a cognitive approach that works for establishing the quality of life.

Being always on the go, living off last minutes, and nicks of time are the story of every other student's life. It pays the most to be punctual, but chasing time needs a forgiving regime than to challenge biological clocks. This template is much more than a timetable, coming with tips, essentials, and priorities. This sort of mind map is probably thriving in stinging the creator along, giving them a sense of security that they can design their life. So not only engaging content, but it is also an exercise that may run in the sub-conscious of pursuers, even if they fail to keep certain things in mind.

The use of simple mind map examples for students doesn't only involve study-oriented variables. It is also about health, fitness, and overall well-being. So, keeping handy a chart of health-conscious decisions is an excellent way to start taking care. Take a cue from this template about healthy sleeping habits, something that a student vitally needs to endorse.

Are you going somewhere but are not entirely done with planning? Get all your friends on board with the plan. Check a simple mind map about the trip like this one above and distribute it to everyone. It makes all information under a single page with costs, budgets, agent and DIY roles, contacts, and other information related to the trip. A quick and effective solution to control your priorities as and how needed.

It is an absolute truth that being organized helps you stay ahead. But most of the time, in the quest to staying ahead, organizing essentials is left far behind. And this too is the story of every other student's life. Never let the bed bugs bite you. Use pictures of your cleaned-up room and the moments of freshness that can motivate you to dig out some time out of your busy schedule to clean your house or room. You can do this!

How to Create a Mind Map with MindMaster?

So now that you have a visual semblance of how to make a mind map and use it to make your student life easier, it is time for you to use your imagination, based on your purposes.

Mind Map Simple Examples

With little help from the advanced mind mapping tool, Mind Master created by Edraw you can quickly get a hook of it. This diagramming software is designed to create fresh and effective graphic illustrations, using ready-to-use templates, handy tools for customization and numerous objects, shapes, styles to visualize your notion, help you brainstorm and solve problems.

Make your mind maps simply and quickly with 5 easy steps. Here's how.

Mind Map Simple Machines

  1. Launch the suite on your PC or Mobile - you need to either download it on your system or login to our website portal to use the web version.
  2. Create New File - Once you open the dashboard, you will have a list of options on the left-hand side panel. Here, click on 'New' to open the template library.
  3. Select a template from the library according to your needs.
  4. Open the template and use the tools provided from the control panel on the right-hand side to customize your mind map. You may change the background, insert images and play up with different shapes and sizes of the text boxes to insert your notes.
  5. Save and share your mind map once you are absolutely happy with it. Use the floppy disk button on the top right to save it, and the buttons next to it are for Exporting to your website, blog or save on your device, the button next to it is used to share and send directly.

Mind Map Samples And 7th Grade

The most useful tip to make effectual and purposive mind maps is to use freedom of expression to draft out the graphic layout and then use a visual tool like Mind Master to organize the whole thing. Most importantly, enjoy doing this so that you can hone your skills.

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